Adventure Holiday: An Elephant Safari Through Thailand
Vacation Type: Elephant Safaris Native Culture Tours
Travel Location: Southeast Asia Thailand
Take a two-day elephant safari in the Thai mountains.
Enjoy a stay at an island resort in the Andaman Sea.
Stay with Buddhist monks in a 9th-century Royal Wat (temple).
Children may participate.
Vacation Contact Detail

Travel picture of Thai elephant safari.
Mountain Travel-Sobek
6420 Fairmount Avenue
El Cerrito
United States
Telephone: 800-227-2384
Fax Number: 510-525-7710
We are a family of two adults and two teenagers looking for a holiday which ideally, in order of priority, includes contact with elephants, different travel experiences, river adventures, one or two beach days and one or two sites and cities. We are a relatively fit family that can cope with hard walking etc.
We have a budget of about £1,000 per person (in total including flights but excluding spending money) for (ideally) ten or more days. I understand it might not be possible to get all we are looking for for around £1,000 each but hope to achieve as much as possible.
We can travel anytime between 2nd April 2009 and 19th April 2009, 4th August 2009 and about 31st August 2009, about 19th December 2009 and about 4th January 2010, about 18th December 2010 and 2nd January 2011. We are fairly flexible with dates were I have put ‘about’.
I hope you can help and look forward to your reply. Tim Rodwell