12th-19th Ludi Ceriales
The Romans celebrated a festival in honour of Ceres, the Roman Goddess of corn.
There were games held on this day and musicians paraded in the streets.
21st Parilia
This Roman ceremony was only celebrated in the country in the first place to keep the sheep from catching diseases, but later it started to take place in the city of Rome as well, as the date was said to have been that of the birth of Rome.
Festivities were organised in each area, which included bonfires onto which offerings were thrown.
The people also danced in the flames.
This event was ended with a big feast outside.
28th-May 3rd Ludi Florales or Floralia
This ceremony was held to honour the Roman Goddess of flowers, called Flora.
It was also a celebration of fertility.
On this day, the people danced in colourful garlands, and flowers were piled high on tables.
April Festivals by Day
April 1 – Veneralia to Venus Verticordia and Fortuna Virilis, Festival of Ceres
April 2 – Festival of the Pleiades
April 4 – Megalesia to Cybele begins
April 5 – Megalesia to Cybele continues, Festival of Fortuna
April 6 – Megalesia to Cybele continues
April 7 – Megalesia to Cybele continues
April 8 – Megalesia to Cybele continues
April 9 – Megalesia to Cybele continues, Lumeria in honor of the Lemures
April 10 – Last day of Megalesia to Cybele
April 11 – Festival of Ceres begins
April 12 – Festival of Ceres continues
April 13 – Festival of Ceres continues
April 14 – Festival of Ceres continues
April 15 – Fordicidia to Terra Mater, festival of Ceres continues, festival of Venus
April 16 – Festival of Ceres continues
April 17 – Festival of Ceres continues
April 18 – Festival of Ceres continues
April 19 – Festival of Ceres ends with the Cerealia
April 21 – Palilia (or Parilia) to Pales, festival of Venus
April 23 – Vinalia Prioria to Venus
April 25 – Robigalia to Robigus
April 28 – Floralia to Flora begins, festival of Vesta
April 29 – Floralia to Flora continues
April 30 – Floralia to Flora continues