6th-13th Ludi Apollinares
During the republic times, this ceremony was connected to religious occasions to the Roman God Apollo.
But, in the Imperial times, it became an excuse for theatrical performances, races and games.
July Rome Festivals by Day
July 4 – Festival of Pax
July 5 – Poplifugia to Jupiter
July 6 – Games of Apollo begin
July 7 – Nonae Caprotinae to Juno
July 8 – Festival of Juno, Games of Apollo continue
July 9 – Games of Apollo continue
July 10 – Games of Apollo continue
July 11 – Games of Apollo continue
July 12 – Games of Apollo continue
July 13 – Last day of Games of Apollo
July 19 – Lucaria to commemorate sack of Rome by the Gauls and the subsequent destruction of the Gallic army, festival of Venus
July 21 – Lucaria to commemorate sack of Rome by the Gauls and the subsequent destruction of the Gallic army
July 23 – Neptunalia to Neptune
July 25 – Furrinalia to Furrina