Rome Festivals
Greetings weary Italy traveler! You have found your way into the Forum Romanum, the center of ancient Roman society. Here you will discover the greatest civilization in the ancient world, lasting over 1200 years and governing lands in three continents. From a small farmers village on the Tiber river to a great empire, the history […]
Jupiter King of the Roman Gods
In Roman mythology Jupiter is the patron deity of the Roman state, he ruled over laws and social order. He was the chief god of the Capitoline Triad, with Juno and Minerva. In Latin mythology Jupiter is the father of Mars the God of War, making Jupiter the grandfather of Remus & Romulus the founders […]
Superstitious Romans
Fortuna fortibus favet (Fortune favors the brave) Good and bad luck in ancient Rome was controlled by the goddess Fortuna, who could be persuaded to favor or smite a person by certain actions. Do any of the following look familiar? Many ancient Roman superstitions have survived to this day. “Such fear of the gods (deisidaimonia) […]
December Roman Festivals
Early December This was a ceremony to honor the Roman Goddess ~Bona Dea (“Good Goddess”). She was believed to have protected women. The rituals took place in secrecy, and males were strictly forbidden. Dancing, drinking and worshiping sacred objects may have been involved in the rites. 17th Saturnalia At first, this ceremony only lasted for […]
November Roman Festivals
4TH-17th Ludi Plebeii There were races, games and performances at the theater taken place during this festival for the Roman God Jupiter. On 13th, there was a banquet held for the senators and magistrates. November Rome Festivals by Day November 4 – Plebeian Games begin November 5 – Plebeian Games continue November 6 – Plebeian […]
September Roman Festivals
5th-19th Ludi Romani At first, this long ceremony of games, chariot races and theatrical shows was in honor of the Roman God Jupiter, but later, it was not so much of a religious ceremony. On 13th September, the sacrifice of a cow was given at the temple of Jupiter, and the Senate and all the […]
August Roman Festivals
12th Businessmen and traders paid ten percent of their profits to Mercury’s shrine on this day. The Roman God Mercury was known for his cunning and sly practices. The money was used for a feast which took place in public on this day. August Rome Festivals by Day August 1 – Festival of Ceres August […]
July Roman Festivals
6th-13th Ludi Apollinares During the republic times, this ceremony was connected to religious occasions to the Roman God Apollo. But, in the Imperial times, it became an excuse for theatrical performances, races and games. July Rome Festivals by Day July 4 – Festival of Pax July 5 – Poplifugia to Jupiter July 6 – Games […]
June Roman Festivals
24th Fors Fortuna This Roman festival was held in honor of the Roman Goddess Fortuna. This was a great public holiday, and the Romans rowed down the River Tiber to two shrines just outside Rome, where sacrifices were made for Fortuna. This was followed by picnicking and drinking for the rest of the day. June […]
April Roman Festivals
12th-19th Ludi Ceriales The Romans celebrated a festival in honour of Ceres, the Roman Goddess of corn. There were games held on this day and musicians paraded in the streets. 21st Parilia This Roman ceremony was only celebrated in the country in the first place to keep the sheep from catching diseases, but later it […]
March Roman Festivals
15th Festival of Anna Perenna This was a festival held for Anna Perenna, the Roman Goddess of the year. Sometimes, people believed that they would live the number of years that they could drink in cups of wine. 23rd Tuhilustriurn On this day the sacred trumpets of war were purified to the Roman God Mars. […]
Febuary Roman Festivals
13th-21st Parentalia This occasion was in honor of the dead parents. The Romans visited their parents graves, and placed flowers, milk and wine on their graves so the dead wouldn’t get hungry or thirsty. 15th Lupercalia This ceremony was for women who wanted to have children. Two groups of young men gathered at the ‘Lupercal’, […]
January Roman Festivals
1st New Roman consuls were sworn in on this day. To thank the Roman God Jupiter for his protection and guard in the past year, bulls were given as sacrifices to him. Early January Compitaiia In the country, a small shrine and an altar was built by all the farmers on the boundary of their […]